Religious Education
The essential aim of Religious Education in Catholic Schools is to encourage and assist students in their growth to Christian maturity - a growth that will culminate in their free commitment, in faith and relationship to Jesus Christ, within the Church.
This aim can be achieved by students engaging in learning experiences which will enable them to develop:
- a knowledge and thoughtful understanding of the Scriptures and a sensitivity to them as the Word of God speaking in their lives;
- a knowledge of Catholic Doctrine understood in the light of its development in tradition and under the teaching authority of the Church;
- knowledge and understanding to make moral judgments and decisions, and to see these as a way of realising their relationship with Jesus Christ;
- the ability to pray, both formally and reflectively, so that this ability can grow and deepen;
- the ability to understand and to share actively and personally in liturgy;
- the ability to relate to others in a way that reflects Jesus' commandment of love;
- a sensitivity to and appreciation of the meaning of life, its events and responsibilities;
- an appreciation of their membership of the Church, initiated at Baptism and leading to active participation in parish life;
- an awareness and appreciation of Christian values in life, and to encourage them to act in accordance with them;
- an appreciation of their membership of the International Marist family, and their active participation in the Marist Project.