Contact Us
General Enquiries
The main office is open from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm. All staff can be contacted on 02 6852 2000 during these hours or via email using rbcc@redbendcc.nsw.edu.au
After hours, the Girls' Residence can be contacted on 02 6852 2797 or the Boys' Residence on 02 6852 3752.
Absentee Information
Please call 02 6851 1558 or email absent@redbendcc.nsw.edu.au to report an absence or lateness of a student to the College.
SMS Notifications
Parents, please note that in order to use the SMS system your mobile phone number needs to be registered with the College.
Your message must include: student's name, Year & House, reason, date of absence / late.
Director of Boarding
Ph: (02) 6852 2495
Fax: (02) 6852 3753
Email: db@redbendcc.nsw.edu.au
Contact the Principal directly and confidentially at principal@redbendcc.nsw.edu.au